India has developed its first indigenous vaccine against H1N1 swine flu in the form of a nasal spray. Pune based Serum Institute of India has come with a less expensive swine flu vaccine which is an easy to administer vaccine unlike the painful syringe and comes at a price of Rs.150. The development of such a vaccine is seen as a major breakthrough in influenza science given the nationwide impact of the deadly swine flu almost a year back when India registered its first case of H1N1 on May 15, 2009.
The nasal spray is effective and can be used on anybody except pregnant women and children under the age of three. The clinical trial of the vaccine's stage III is on the verge of getting completed. The spray is largely safe with only side effects being running nose and sneezing bouts as against convulsion, swelling or fever in the case of injectible vaccine. Dr. Surinder Singh, DCGI said, "Usually the vaccine takes years. But since this was a pandemic virus and we needed a vaccine urgently, the Indian companies were given permission for Phase I and Phase II trials at one go to cut down time."
How this vaccine works? The vaccine will be delivered into your nose through a device which will be fitted on the top of a syringe. The vaccine would enter the body by way of nostrils and will be administered in each through a quick spray. The body will then develop anti bodies to protect against H1N1. The medicine works by generating protective antibodies in the nose and pharynx and also in the blood. Dr Rajeev Dhere the project director of the vaccine at the Serum said, "It is a live attenuated vaccine containing weakened forms of H1N1 virus that are designed in such a way not to cause the flu. The strain was given to by the WHO once H1NI was declared pandemic."
Dr Dhere also added, "This will be a one time vaccine. Influenza viruses are notorious for changing their stain. Though immunity provided by live vaccine last a long time, it won't work if the influenza virus changes strain next time."
The vaccine trials were conducted from 3 institutes from Pune and one each from Indore and Ahmedabad. The scientists are said to be tabulating the final results. And according to Dr. Prasad Kulkarni, additional medical director at Serum, "The vaccine has passed both the safety and immunogenecity trials."
Homeopathy claims to prevent and cure Swine Flu through Arsenicum album
Offering an alternate approach to Swine Flu prevention, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy has claimed that Homeopathy can prevent Swine Flu. Homeopathy has long been hailed as an alternative approach with minimal side effects. In case of Swine Flu prevention as well Homeopathy can prove helpful without causing side effects experts claimed.
The announcement came after a joint meeting convened by the Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH). The Agenda of the meet was prevention of flu-like illnesses, including swine flu, through homoeopathy. At present Swine Flu is being tackled by means of vaccine which has been indigenously developed.
Homeopathy offers not only prevention but also cure from Swine Flu. This can be achieved by means of arsenicum album derived from arsenic. Arsenicum album as per a Homeopathic guide is one of the most fifteen crucial remedies of Homeopathy. It is widely used to treat cases pertaining to allergies, food poisoning, insomnia and anxiety to name a few. "The experts suggested that the substance arsenicum album could be taken as preventive medicine against flu-like illnesses including swine flu." A Union Health Ministry official informed.
Speaking of Homeopathy's ability to cure Swine Flu, practioners cited past references such as epidemics such as the Spanish flu and bird flu. These flu's were treated by means of homeopathic remedies like gelsemium, bryonia, influenzinum, and oscillococcinum. "Gelsemium and Bryonia were the two homeopathic remedies that proved to be effective against the H1N1 strain back then" famous Homeopathic Dr Mukesh Batra said.
At the meeting, dosages of Arsenicum album for prevention of Swine Flu were also discussed. For adults four pills of Arsenicum Album-30 every day on an empty stomach for three days was recommended as prophylactic medicine against flu-like illnesses. For children as well, two pills in the same frequency were prescribed. The above dosages in flu like conditions are recommended to be repeated after a month. Highlighting the advantages Homeopathy Dr Rajesh Patel added "As they have no side-effects, homeopathic medicines can be administered to people falling under the high risk category, including infants, pregnant women, and the elderly.
Abhisikta Mishra