
Sister Nivedita Smriti Divas

'I believe that India is one, indissoluble, indivisible. National Unity is built on the common home, the common interest, and the common love.
I believe that the strength which spoke in Vedas and Upanishads, in the making of religions and empires, in the learning of scholars and the meditation of the saints, is born once more amongst us, and its name today is Nationality.
I believe that the present of India is deep-rooted in her past, and that before her shines a glorious future.
O Nationality, come thou to me as joy or sorrow, as honor or as shame! Make me thine own!'
- These are the powerful words that Sister Nivedita wrote in 'Karmayogin' dated 12 March 2010. How did she own up India so much?

Miss Margaret Elizabeth Noble was born at Dungannon in Ireland on Oct 28, 1867. Her father Samuel Richmond was a student of theology in the Wesleyan Church in North Ireland. He used to take Margaret whenever he conducted services or visited the poor. He died at the young age of 34 years but left a deep impression of his religious zeal on her mind. From such background, Margaret became Sister Nivedita, Nivedita of Ramakrishna - Vivekananda and dedicated her whole life for Bharat, Hindu Dharma.  As a matter of fact, of her 44 years of life, she spent just 13 years in India. But her Guru, Swami Vivekananda had given her the key to the country and its people, and she had submitted herself to the austere and exacting discipline which enabled her to make use of this key. Her amazing vitality, both multiplied and channeled by that ascetism and that consecration, was such that even today there is scarcely any field – religion, pedagogy, science, art, politics, society – in which she did not leave her mark. And all the leaders of India who made the epoch from 1895 to 1914 famous, were her intimate friends. How could she do so much in just 13 years?

'I love India as the birthplace of the highest and the best of all religions, as the country that has the grandest mountains, the Himalayas. The country where the homes are simple, where domestic happiness is most to be found, and where the women unselfishly, unobtrusively, ungrudgingly serve the dear ones from early morn to dewy eve.' Having such vivid picturesque explanation of Bharatiya life by Sister Nivedita is all amazing.  How could Nivedita became one with the soil of this nation?

She attained immortality on 13 Oct 1911. It is written on her Samadhi at Darjeeling – HERE REPOSES SISTER NIVEDITA WHO GAVE HER ALL TO INDIA. What made her to give her all to India?

--  With Regards and Prayers (D. Bhanudas) 9443150490 Visit: See :      See :Not I, But Thou  

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