
When the Creator is Your Friend

Sadhguru looks at how a satsang is not a get-together of some kind. It is a powerful opportunity to be in communion with the source of creation.

Sadhguru: When we say “satsang,” we are not talking about a yoga club, an association or any other kind of meeting place. “Sat” means “truth,” “sang” means “to be in communion with that.” What is needed to be in communion with truth?

What we are referring to as “truth” is that which makes everything here work. Something is spinning the planet, something is making your heart beat, something is making the whole cosmos work. That is truth. You don’t have to go to the core of the galaxy to be in touch with this. The core of yourself is also the same thing. Then why is it that we are not constantly in touch with it? Why do we have to come to a certain space or presence to even feel that? This is because the mind, which should be a mirror to show life with absolute clarity, is functioning in prejudice.

Instruments of Prejudice
Whatever kind of mind one has, it is a certain kind of prejudice. You may think you are broadminded, but that just means you have a broad prejudice because the mind cannot function without identification. The moment you are identified with something, the mind becomes prejudiced. Some people are very rigid about their prejudices, others are a little flexible, but there is a prejudice. If you say “I am a man,” you have a masculine prejudice. If you say “I am a woman,” you have a feminine prejudice. If you say “I am Indian,” you have an Indian prejudice. Every single thought, emotion and action that human beings commit is coming from this variety of prejudices.

The problem with humanity is that prejudice has established itself in so many ways and is being celebrated. Prejudices have become so concretized that people think looking beyond that is sacrilege. Once you have identified yourself with something, you cannot think, feel or act beyond it. Everything will be within that ambit. And the greatest problem is you will think you are perfectly right.

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