
How to Make Money With a Story Contest

There is a lot to be said about a story contest. The truth is that the only person who has to pay is the winner. There is a lot of money to be won if the story is a fantastic one.

The reason why it is a good idea to have a contest is because it can give you a way to have people read your story and also have a chance to win. There are many places that you can find story contests and you can find them at bookstores, newspaper, or online. You want to have all of the details so that you know what the rules are.

When you are looking to start a story contest you want to find out what kind of story you are going to have people read. There are a few different types of stories and some of them are great and some of them are not. You will have to make sure that you have some kind of criteria in order to get the right story.

The next thing that you will want to do is look at the prizes that are being offered. The prizes can be very small in value and there is a way to get your story published. If you are not very skilled at writing, you may not get the prize. The prize should be in the story that you have written. If you are an experienced writer, you can also write the prize into the story.

It will take you a while to get your story published so it is best to give it a little more time. You want to make sure that you are not going to get your story published too soon because you want to give it some time to mature and then be accepted into the contest. The more mature the story is, the better the chances are for it to be published. The more mature your story is, the better chance that you have of being accepted into the contest.

The way to get the best story out of the contest is to have people read it and then take a look at the prize if they are interested. If you are having a story published, you can win the prize. If you are not, you will have a chance to get your name out there and you will have the opportunity to be published and make some money

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