The story of Mythpat is a most inspiring one, as he constantly assists the reader with his philosophical, cultural and historical insights. He writes in an engaging way and is therefore really easy to read. So, this book can be very helpful for anyone who wishes to understand world history.

Another factor that contributes to the captivating character of the story is the author's unique style of writing. His sentences flow easily and naturally without any apparent pauses. It is rather unique that anyone reading the book can identify the author from the first line of the book. It is also unlike the style of storytelling adopted by some other authors, which makes the reading experience even more enjoyable.
The book takes several readers through various phases of history. The primary focus of the book is history and its various phases. This makes the work very rich and enriches the understanding of many readers. There are many events covered by the story of Mythpat, as he helps the reader identify a number of salient points about history. It is interesting to note that he has chosen to write this story in an accessible manner.
The plot of the story of Mythpat is quite simple. He narrates the tale of the mythical character, as he travels throughout many nations. Throughout the journey, he points out various cultural differences among various people. When he narrates the story, he does not restrict himself to conveying only the history of history but also depicts aspects of society, culture and life. In addition, the style of writing is uncomplicated and is written in a straightforward manner.
The story is inspiring and enlightening at crucial times. The author takes the opportunity to include discussions about spirituality, learning and various aspects of philosophy. All these aspects make the book highly valuable to all readers.
The story of Mythpat does not come across as an intellectual or philosophical story but rather as a spiritual story with a short range dimension. The author does not try to convey the theme through the characters or any complicated concepts. Rather, he talks about the same in a non-duplicative manner. He is able to do this because he focuses his attention on the common thread of all humanity and at the same time inspires his readers to take active roles in preserving their culture.
The author is a true master of rhetoric and has a strong intellectual ability. Therefore, he is able to communicate complex ideas to his readers easily. The author seems to be an expert on various subjects and thus has the ability to take the reader on a journey.
The Tale of Mythpat has been a best seller in the book stores of India. It is being hailed as the best selling epic in the country and can be considered a masterpiece of literature. In addition, the author, Swamiji (Professor) is an inspiration to many who wish to realize their dreams of success.